January 22, 2012

Lets see if we can get this thing back on track...charging...CLEAR!!

It's been a wild past few months at the G&G household.  I hope to start getting normal posts back up and running in a while, but in the mean time here's a general rundown:

1. LittleGuy was born early August.  Healthy mom, healthy baby, and a total rearrangement of priorities (in a good way).
2. I left my job as a phlebo due to changes in the school schedule for the fall.  I'll adjust the banner later.
3. I started school (full time) on January 2nd.  A lot of driving to get there/back, 8 hour days in class, and I can't wait to see what comes next in the curriculum.
4. Gal is still in the ER.  LittleGuy and I can't wait for her to get home at night.

In between studying, I'll try to update this as my mind runs.  More than likely it will be school related, but who knows.


July 15, 2011

New house

When Gal and I first moved into our new house (about a month ago), I thought there would be no issues whatsoever.  We were in our own place, could do whatever we liked to it, could repair whatever needed repaired, and could, in general, live there.

Well, the first day finally came where Gal's family had returned home from helping us move and Gal had her first shift back in the ER.  I was alone in the house with the pets for a few hours...and suddenly everything felt wrong.  I went from room to room looking around trying to find what was bothering me.  The kitchen was fine, nothing was burning.  The living room was fine (no TV or internet at this point).  All of the pets were accounted for, but something was wrong.  Then realization hit me.

For the past 24 years I have lived in close contact with people.  With my parents until college, with my roommates for four years, then with apartment neighbors for two years after Gal and I were married.  There was always someone talking, someone making dinner, someone next door moving around, someone running their dryer/dishwasher/water nearby.  For the first time in 24 years, I was totally alone in my home (pets excluded).  It was totally silent.  We have neighboring houses close to us, but we can't hear what goes on inside of them.  No one else was in our house to make noise.  Even the AC unit had switched off, leaving me with nothing else to occupy me but the echoes of my mind.  I felt totally isolated. 

Now I know why solitary confinement F's prisoners up.  I turned on some music.


It's been a while

Truth be told, I intended this little blog to be some sort of a journal to what went on in my head, but I find that my mind runs a little too quickly some days. The thought "Gee, I haven't posted tot he blog in a while" usually runs through my head as fast as "Am I really qualified for this job?" passes through Prez Obama's.

Anyways, we are eagerly awaiting the arrival of LittleGuy. All the biological stars have aligned and the last remaining deciding factor is when he wants to open the escape hatch. The room is 90% decorated, I have my diaper bag, and all of our relatives are setting on "go".

Since we posted last, we searched for and bought a house. We still live in Microdot, TN, but it's on the outskirts in a newer subdivision. We built a fence in the backyard for Ruger and LittleGuy to play in and have completed the majority of out adjustments to make the house a home. Let me tell you, sleeping on a bed is never overrated.

Lastly, I was accepted into an accelerated BSN program at a local university. I have some prerequisite classes to complete this fall, but beginning in January I'll be a full time student again. Fire up the servos, we're takin' off.


April 8, 2011

In conversation: be calm

There's a dedicated cadre of smokers in the lab.  Like clockwork they all go out at the same time.  One had been waiting for a while for the other two to come with her, and this happened:

Smoker 1: *irritated face* Well, are we going to do this?
Smoker 2: Were're finishing up some paperwork, just a sec.
Guy: There's the nicotine monkey; jumping up and down on her back, screaming and flinging shit...


Only @ work: Some calls must be passed on...

I was working in the lab/late one night...ahem, nevermind that song.  But it was late at night in the lab that this phone conversation came through from a patient:

Guy: Lab, this is Guy.
Female Patient: *children screaming in background* Yea, do y'all do pregnancy tests there?
G: Mental image of Wal*Creature. Yes mam, we do.
P: Well, I've got a pregnancy test here and I was wondering if you could explain the results to me.
G: ?! Let me get you a lab tech...*press hold, die laughing*

I just had to transfer that call to one of our lab techs who shares my deranged sense of  humor.

New post series: Only @ work

Gal and I work at the same medical facility and we see/hear/are exposed to a wide variety of people.  Without violating HIPPA, I'll try to occationally shed light on some of the more interesting encounters with people who are (purportedly) members of H. sapiens.

Take today for example:

A phone call comes in to the lab from an outside caller.

Guy: Lab, this is Guy.
Female Caller: *screaming children in background* Hey, I had a question about this report my doctor got back from my wound culture.
G: Ok.
C: It says I have intercockey in a cut on my foot.
G: ...say that again.
C: Intercockey
G: ...spell that for me.
C: I n t e r o c o c c i.
G: Do you mean Enterococci?*
C: Yea, that's it.  What is that?
G: It's a bacteria.
C: Where would I have gotten that?
G: I was wondering that myself.  Well, it's usually in people's intestines.
C: So I would have to have come into contact with...feces to get it?
G: Maybe.
C: So, could I have gotten it from sexual intercourse or anything like that?
G: Oh, God, no, NO! No more mental images**!! Ummm, that's a question for your doctor. Much like the entirety of this conversation.
C: Oh, ok. Well, thanks!

And there you have it folks, a new series of posts exemplified.


*I studied this particular bug for a senior project. And, yea, the usuall way people came into contact with this critter was through feces.  It just wasn't my place to go there with this patient.
**Modern science needs to invent some sort of memory-scrubbing medicine for moments like this.  I get the feeling the primary ingredient would be full-strength bleach.

And I ain't seen the sunshine since...

...I don't know when.

It's been a while.  Things have been busy between work, application for a nursing program I'm interested in, and preparing for the arrival of Carlos*.  Gal and I have both been working nights recently and haven't had the time of day for blogging (literally).

Oh, and the weather has been crappy for the past month.  It's finally feeling like Tennessee (ie, 75+ with humidity).

*Not a real name.  See The Hangover for full reference details.
